
Friday 27 January 2017

Inventory Management (or) Stock Base Management in Tally (Notes)

In this concept we are performing stock oriented purchases,purchases returns, sales returns to implement inventory Operations we have to perform following operations.

Ledger :-
Purchases = purchases accounts
Sales = sales accounts

Inventory info ----> units of measure ----> stock items

Units of measure:-
In this option we are specifying stock base measurement like--Kg's, sets,liters,packets,bags etc........

Stock items:-
In this option we have to specify items information.

Steps for crarte measurement:-
1. Goto inventory info
2. Goto Unit of Measure
3. Goto Crete Option
4. Type the Sets
5. Enter.

Steps for create items:-
1. Goto inventory info
2. Goto stock items
3. Goto create(multiple stock items)
4. Name of the item = color tv's
                        units = sets

F8:-With the help of this key only we can per stock sales operations
F9:-To perform all types of stock purchases operations


To perform purchases and sales operations we have to create "purchase a/c's and sales a/c's.

Problem 1:-
1. Mr. Praveen Started a New bussiness with 3,00,000/-
2. Power bill paid 1,200/-
3. Salary Paid 15,000/-
4. Interest Received 22,000/-
5. Purchases Color Tv's 10 Sets  Each one 9,000/-
6. Sales as Fallow's:-  
    Color Tv's 5 Sets Each one 15,000/-
    Color Tv's 3 Sets Each one 7,500/-
    Color Tv's 2 Sets Each one 12,000/-

Problem 2:-
1.Mr.Rakesh started a new business 5,00,000/- deposited in to SBI 1,00,000/- deposited in to andhra bank 2,00,000/- 
4.Rent Paid paid - 1000/- 
5.Purchases as fallow's:- 
     a. Rice 25 Bags each one 1050/-
     b. Oil 20 Cans  
each one  2600/- 
     c. Sugar 35 Bags each one 2350/-
     d. Lux Soaps 50 Pisces each one 40/-

6. Cash withdraw from SBI 17,000/-
7. Cash Transfer to Andhra Bank to SBI 35,000/-
8. Sales as fallows through Andhra Bank:-
     a. Rice 15 Bags each one 1500/- 
     b. Oil 14 Cans  
each one  3200/- 
     c. Lux Soaps 30 Pisces each one 55/-
     d. Sugar 25 Bags each one 3100/-
9. SBI Cheque Issued to Kumar 10,000/- (Cheque No:170589)
10. Sales as fallows:-
     a. Rice 10 Bags each one 1250/- 
     b. Oil 5 Cans  
each one  2900/- 
     c. Sugar 7 Bags each one 2700/-
     d. Lux Soaps 20 Pisces each one 47/-

11.Cash Transfer to SBI to Andhra Bank 13,000/-
12.Cash Received from Kumar through SBI 10,000/-




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