Different Physical quantities has different aspects of measurement.
Length is measured in Centi-meter/Meter/Kilometer.
Computer also has its memory and storage sizes measurement units.
Computer only understands the binary language.
The information stored in the computer is in the form of 0`s and 1`s.
0`s and 1`s is called as bits. bit means binary digit.
A bit is the smallest unit of the data/information.A bit can have only a single value either 0 or 1.
Bit = '0' or '1'
4 bits = 1 nibble
8 bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes = 1 KiloByte
1024 KiloBytes = 1 MegaByte
1024 MegaBytes = 1 GigaByte
1024 GigaBytes = 1 TeraByte
1024 TeraBytes = 1 PetaByte
1024 PetaBytes = 1 ExaByte
1024 ExaBytes = 1 ZettaByte
1024 ZettaBytes = 1 YottaByte
1024 YottaBytes = 1 Bronto Byte
1024 BrontoByte = 1 Geop Byte
4 bits = 1 nibble
8 bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes = 1 KiloByte
1024 KiloBytes = 1 MegaByte
1024 MegaBytes = 1 GigaByte
1024 GigaBytes = 1 TeraByte
1024 TeraBytes = 1 PetaByte
1024 PetaBytes = 1 ExaByte
1024 ExaBytes = 1 ZettaByte
1024 ZettaBytes = 1 YottaByte
1024 YottaBytes = 1 Bronto Byte
1024 BrontoByte = 1 Geop Byte
Geop Byte is the Highest Memory Measurement Unit.
Size in "bytes"
Kilobyte (KB) = 1,024 bytesMegabyte (MB) = 1,048,576 bytes
Gigabyte (GB) = 1,073,741,824 bytes
Terrabyte (TB) = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes
Petabyte (PB) = 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes
Byte = B
KiloByte = KB
MegaByte = MB
GigaByte = GB
TeraByte = TB
PetaByte = PB
ExaByte = EB
ZettaByte = ZB
YottaByte = YB
bit = Binary digitByte = B
KiloByte = KB
MegaByte = MB
GigaByte = GB
TeraByte = TB
PetaByte = PB
ExaByte = EB
ZettaByte = ZB
YottaByte = YB
BrontoByte = BB
The unit closest to 1000 is attained as follows:
1 byte x 2 = 2
x 2 = 4
x 2 = 8
x 2 = 16
x 2 = 32
x 2 = 64
x 2 = 128
x 2 = 256
x 2 = 512
x 2 = 1,024 bytes (1 kilobyte).
x 2 = 4
x 2 = 8
x 2 = 16
x 2 = 32
x 2 = 64
x 2 = 128
x 2 = 256
x 2 = 512
x 2 = 1,024 bytes (1 kilobyte).
Storage devices Measurements
1. RAM:-
2. Internal Hard Drive:-
3.Graphic cards:-
4. Pen drives:-
6. Floppy:-
7. Memory Cards:-
8. External Hard Disks:-
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