* write a program to check whether the given number is even (or) odd.
#include<conio.h> void main() { int n; clrscr(); printf("enter a number:"); scanf("%d",&n); n%2==0?printf("even"):printf("odd"); getch(); } |
enter a number:24 even |
enter a number:5 odd |
* write a program to check whether the given number is +ve (or) -ve.
#include<conio.h> void main() { int n; clrscr(); printf("enter a number:"); scanf("%d",&n); n>0?printf("positive"):printf("negative"); getch(); } |
enter a number:6 positive |
enter a number:-9 negative |
* write a program to check whether the given year is Leap year (or) not.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a; clrscr(); printf("enter a year:"); scanf("%d",&a); a%4==0?printf("leap year"):printf("not leap year"); getch(); } |
enter a year:2014 not leap year |
enter a year:2016 leap year |
* write a program to Biggest number among the two numbers.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); printf("enter a value:"); scanf("%d",&a); printf("enter b value:"); scanf("%d",&b); a>b?printf("a is big"):b>a?printf("b is big"):printf("a,b are equal"); getch(); } |
enter a value:12 enter b value:8 a is big |
enter a value:9 enter b value:21 b is big |
enter a value:15 enter b value:15 a,b values are equal |
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a; clrscr(); printf("enter a person age:"); scanf("%d",&a); a>18?printf("vote"):printf("not vote"); getch(); } |
enter a person age:43 vote |
enter a person age:14 non vote |
* write a program to print the a,b values.
#include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); b=23; a=23>56?b--:b++; printf(“a value=%d\n”,a); printf(“b value=%d”,b); getch(); } |
a value =23 b value =24 |
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