The if-else statement is an extension of simple-if statement. The general form is
True statement
False Statement
First it checks the condition.
If the condition is true it executes true statement and then goes to next statement.
If the condition is true it executes true statement and then goes to next statement.
If the condition is false it executes false statement and then goes to next statement.
Flow Char:-
* write a program to check whether the given age is eligible for vote or not.
#include<conio.h> void main() { int age; clrscr(); printf(“enter your age:”); scanf(“%d”,&age); If(age>18)
printf(“you are eligible for vote”);
else printf(“you are not eligible for vote”); getch(); } |
enter your age:24 you are eligible for vote |
enter your age:13 you are not eligible for vote |
* write a program to check whether the given age is teenager or not.
#include<conio.h> void main() { int age; clrscr(); printf(“enter your age:”); scanf(“%d”,&age); If(age>=13&&age<=19) printf(“you are teenager”); else printf(“you are not teenager”); getch(); } |
enter your age:17 you are teenager |
enter your age:23 you are not teenager |
* write a program input two numbers & print which is big value.
#include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); printf(“enter any two numbers:”); scanf(“%d%d”,&a,&b); if(a>b) printf(“big value=%d”,a); else printf(“big value=%d”,b); getch(); } |
enter any two numbers:21 14 Big value=21 |
#include<conio.h> void main() { int m1,m2,m3; clrscr(); printf(“enter three subject marks:”); scanf(“%d%d%d”,&m1,&m2,&m3); if(m1>=35&&m2>=35&&m3>=35) printf(“PASS”); else printf(“FAIL”); getch(); } |
enter three subject marks:85 65 47 PASS |
enter three subject marks:96 32 78 FAIL |
* write a program another logic in above program.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int m1,m2,m3; clrscr(); printf(“enter three subject marks:”); scanf(“%d%d%d”,&m1,&m2,&m3); if(m1<35||m2<35||m3<35) printf(“FAIL”); else printf(“PASS”); getch(); } |
enter three subject marks:55 74 28 FAIL |
enter three subject marks:74 66 44 PASS |
* write a program input 2 values & print equal or not equal.
#include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); printf(“enter any two numbers:”); scanf(“%d%d”,&a,&b); if(a==b) printf(“a is equal to b”); else printf(“a is not equal to b”); getch(); } |
enter any two numbers:8 8 a is equal to b |
enter any two numbers:12 8 a is not equal to b |
* write a program to input 2 values using logical AND operator.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); printf(“enter any two numbers:”); scanf(“%d%d”,&a,&b); if(a&&b) printf(“Condition is True”); else printf(“Condition if Not True”); getch(); } |
enter any two numbers:8 14 Condition is true |
enter any two numbers:16 0 Condition is not true |
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); printf(“enter any two numbers:”); scanf(“%d%d”,&a,&b); if(a||b) printf(“Condition is True”); else printf(“Condition if Not True”); getch(); } |
enter any two numbers:0 17 Condition is true |
enter any two numbers:0 0 Condition is not true |
* write a program to input 2 values using logical AND & NOT operators.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b; clrscr(); printf(“enter any two numbers:”); scanf(“%d%d”,&a,&b); if(a&&b) printf(“Condition is True\n”); else printf(“Condition if Not True\n”); if(!(a&&b)) printf(“Condition is True\n”); else printf(“Condition if Not True\n”); getch(); } |
enter any two numbers:11 17 Condition is true Condition if Not True |
enter any two numbers:13 0 Condition is not true Condition if True |
* write a program to check whether the given no. is even or odd.
#include<conio.h> void main() { int a; clrscr(); printf("enter a number:"); scanf("%d",&a); if(a%2==0) printf("the number is even=%d\n",a); else printf("the number is odd=%d\n",a); getch(); } |
enter a number:16 the number is even=16 |
enter a number:13 the number is odd=13 |
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a; clrscr(); printf("enter a year:"); scanf("%d",&a); if(a%4==0) printf("the year is a leap year:=%d\n",a); else printf("the year is not leap year:=%d\n",a); getch(); } |
enter a year:2016 the year is a leap year=2016 |
enter a year:2014 the year is a not leap year=2014 |
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