
Wednesday 27 July 2016

While Loop with 20 C-Programs

It is a conditional control loop statement in C language.


1. First it checks the condition. 
2. If the condition is true it executes the true statement and goes to condition. 
3. If the condition is true it again executes the true statement.
4. This process will be continue until the specific condition will be false.

Flow chart:-
2.  Write a program to print your name in n times.
3.  Write a program to print 10 numbers.
4.  Write a program to print n natural numbers.
5.  Write a program to print even no's up to given range.
6.  Write a program to print odd no's up to given range.
7.  Write a program to print even no's between two ranges.
8.  Write a program to print odd no's between two ranges.
9.  Write a program to print leap year's between two years
10.Write a program to print odd no's and even no's between two ranges.
11.Write a program to find the factors of the given range.
12.Write a program to print whether the given no. is prime or not.
13.Write a program to check whether the given no is perfect or not.
14.Write a program to find sum of natural no's.
15.Write a program to find sum of square natural no's.
16.Write a program to find sum of Qube natural no's.
17.Write a program to find out the sum of the digits of the given number.
18.Write a program to check the whether the given no. is Armstrong or not.
19.Write a program to print reverse of the given no.
20.Write a program to check whether the given no. is palindrome or not.

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